Friday, April 29, 2011

Hats Off to Royal Wedding Attire

It seems you can’t pick up a newspaper, turn on the TV or the radio, or click onto a website without hearing about the Royal Wedding. Viewers across the world tuned into the extravagant affair, hoping to catch a glimpse of history being made – and of course, wondering what Kate Middleton would wear.

The wedding will certainly influence fashion trends over the next few months. There is no doubt brides everywhere will want copy cat versions of Kate Middleton’s beautiful Alexander McQueen Studio gown. But most impressive? The outfits of the wedding guests – particularly, their hats.

Popular for formal events in the U.K., these hats aren’t just fashion statements, they’re true works of art. Milliners spend hours constructing these unique, eye-popping pieces. Hats have an insanely long history, and have really come a long way. In the world of avant-garde fashion, royal wedding guests certainly lived up to the challenge.
With so many fabulous hats, we were inspired to look up the evolution of the hat. Through the ages and throughout the world, "The Mode in Hats and Headdress" showcases headwear from nearly every walk of life. We've selected a few new hats for the Royal Wedding participants to try for their next big event. Check 'em out...

Kate Middleton selected a graceful gown and paired it with an elegant tiara and veil that fashion experts all love. But what if she’d chosen something more regal? Perhaps something a bit more Elizabethan?

Prince William donned his official military hat for much of the ceremony, but should have considered one of these dapper military styles – even if they are a bit outdated. Feathers look good on everyone, though, especially if they hide a growing bald spot!

Victoria Beckham is known worldwide for her sense of style, and though her O-shaped chapeau was certainly chic, it's not hard to picture her in some of these styles. She might catch some flack from PETA with the third hat, though!

Lady Gaga wasn’t invited to the royal wedding, but had she been there, there’s no doubt she would have outdone everyone. It’s not hard to imagine her in one of these get-ups, be it lamp-shade shaped, dart board themed, or masked – Gaga could work them all.

As Kat'es maid of honor, Pippa Middleton looked the part of lady-in-waiting in her slimming white bridesmaid dress. But she needed a hat!
Elton John is known for his dapper style, and while his purple tie was certainly fabulous, he needed a hat to really set off his outfit.

All of these pictures come from the book "The Mode in Hats and Headdress" by R. Turner Wilcox, which is available - along with many other books about hat history -  for your perusal at the Chrysler Museum of Art Library.

 - CD

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